Sunday, February 22, 2009

City of Stars

Dear Readers,
I'm sitting here in St. Paul at my hotel looking out at the St. Paul Cathedral.  The lights are all lit up around it, making it a spectacular view.  The curve of the dome and the point of the very top are all visible with intense clarity.  The city noises surrounding me are a sweet sound like waves upon the sand, rushing up and receding back into the waters from where they came.


As we were driving through the city traffic on our way to our hotel I thought about the stars. How they are the guiding lights, giving direction to all who look up at them.   I looked up to the sky and I noticed that there were no stars.  Then I remembered the fact that in the city you often cannot see the stars God placed in the heavens, but I realized that God has different stars in the city.  At night you can see airplanes circling the airport waiting for their chance to land.  You can see the silhouette of skyscrapers with blinking lights on top of them.  You can see cars rushing with intensity to go off to an unknown destination.  These are the city stars, the stars that remind me to pray for each one of you.  Each light on a car is another person out there that I can pray for.  A life that God could use, and I can support.   
As I think about the stars I can also find another way to put this: If we are God's lights, His, 'stars' what would happen if we all gathered together to create a city of stars?

~City of Stars~

As I drive through the city I look for the stars,
Remembering there are none, I look back toward the road.
The car lights ahead blinded me for a moment,
But then they opened them wider than before

The stars in the city are you and I.
We make up the body of Christ.
The stars in the city shine with a purpose,
They cause me to pray for the lost.
I am praying for strength, 
For their lives, 
For your own
So we can all join and be a city of stars
Shining for Christ Jesus the Son.

As you drive through the city look for the stars,
remember what each light could be.
Each light in the traffic could be a star.
Each life could be a child of the Son.


Friday, February 20, 2009

Her Response

Hey all!

If you are reading this it is most likely that you learned about it from my caring bridge site.    I'm not great at updating that site, so I thought I'd start this blog where I can write not just updates, but pretty much anything.  I will include some pictures and videos along with writing about my response to what God is teaching me.  That is where I got inspiration for this site and the name for this site.  As you read this blog please remember I am new to this and am not a great writer in this sense.  I am used to just jotting down songs that don't need spell check.  :)  I hope you enjoy reading this as I am now just beginning to see how much I will enjoy it.  
Thank you and God Bless!

~Her Response~

She looked out the window,
Wishing her life away.
God called her softly,
She didn't respond.
All she could see were the snowflakes flowing down.
All she could see were the restraints holding her back.
"Don't listen to that,"
God whispered in her ear,
"I've called you to more."
God touched her heart.
She looked up to the sky,
Wishing her life away.
God Called her softly,
She wanted to respond.
All she could see were the raindrops falling down.
All she could see were the chains holding her back.
"I have pulled them away,"
God whispered in her ear,
"I freed you from their grasp."
God touched her heart.
She lifted it towards Him,
Giving her life away.
