Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

Dear Readers,
Today I turned sixteen, and I am going to share a lesson God has been teaching me over the past month.   High school is a short period in my life.  Just because things may be going wrong now does not mean they will go wrong forever.  Like when we are in pain.   If we get a scrape the pain from that will go away, but when we have the pain from that all we can think about is the here and the now, "My finger hurts!"  and that sort of thing.  But if we remember that the pain from that scrape will only last a short while, it gives us a new hope and it almost decreases the pain instantly.  Life is the same way...many times we can only think of the here and the now.  Friends may reject us, that does not mean they will forever.  I am only 16,  life is not going to end because I can't walk well for a year.  There are many years to come and one year will seem like a blink of an eye.  So I want to pass this on to you, please remember that a bad day or a bad year is ok.  God has better ones planned.  Trust Him.  He is our Father and He loves us and is our best friend when no one else is there.   Sweet sixteen is not the end.  God has better things ahead that we could never imagine.  Sometimes we need that reminder to carry on.  
God Bless and I love you All!
