Thursday, January 14, 2010

Get Up And Walk

Dear Readers,
Have you, "Fallen from grace" recently? Have you made a mistake that you wish you could take back? Have you had something done to you recently that hurt you deeply? Have you been searching for God's will in your life? I have done all/had done to me, each of the above in the past week and I have found the simplest answer for all of these questions in my own life is to, "Get up and walk." Ok, that is not easy and often hurts, it is a difficult task and most of the time seems impossible.

Let me paint a picture for you. You feel worthless, you have been laying on the streets because you cannot walk, and try you as you might you can never make it into 'the healing pool' because you take too long. You continue to do your best to survive and you continue trying to go into the pool, a pool that has been stirred up by the hand of an angel, which causes it to heal whomever enters it. You have grown oh so weary, your hope and perseverance is dying within you. Then one day a man stops in front of you and asks if you want to be well again. You tell him your story in kind of a, "Dude, don't you get it" voice, but when you are done the man in front of you simply says, "Get up, take your mat and walk." Instantly you can feel your body transforming. The muscles in your legs respond and flex as they are supposed to, and it is a brand new feeling for you, as you have been waiting for 38 years! You rise from your mat and quickly do as he says jumping up and rejoicing!

Now let me explain something to you; you don't just get up and walk after 38 years of not walking! I was in a wheelchair for about a month and a half, and it is IMPOSSIBLE! Your muscles have no strength causing you to instantly fall down again. Your body would run out of energy and you would get dizzy so fast and most likely pass out. Even with my short experience in a wheelchair I can tell you how crazy awesome this miracle is!
So with that story in mind, yes getting up and walking is impossible...without God. With God it is actually possible! Can you believe that! We after sinning, after being hurt, after being confused by the choices of life can get up and walk!

How do we, "Get up and walk?"

After making a mistake, make it right. First with God then with whomever you made the mistake against. Whether it be friend, not a friend, an enemy, a family member; apologize and ask forgiveness. God will forgive you and whether or not the person you took offense against does, is up to them and God. You just need to do your part, in love and sincerity. When you have done your part, and have laid the situation before God; Get up, leave it before God, and walk.

When someone hurts you, first take it to God. He believes in you. Whether the person was confronting you (in which case you should deeply consider what they said), or said something behind your back, you need to bring it to God first. Ask Him to help you forgive them for the hurt they caused. Once you have come to a place of forgiveness (if you seem to be unable to do so, give your best and follow these steps anyway. By the end, God willing, you will be in a place of forgiveness) ponder the words or actions done to you, was there a purpose? Did they have a reason for hurting you? Was there something you did to provoke there behavior? If so, do your best to make it right. Whether you did something to provoke it or not, you do need to (should the circumstances allow) go to them and, in forgiveness explain to them how they hurt you. When you do this, it is giving them the opportunity to apologize, but whether or not they do, you can have an inward peace knowing you did your part. After this you have done mostly (each circumstance is different) all you can do; you must get up, leave the hurt at the cross, and walk.

As you search for God's will. So often we overlook God's will in our lives. We are waiting for Him to scream it in our faces, so we wait, and wait, when the answer is often right in our faces. God rarely (if ever), sends down a message with His will written on it, for your whole life. Why in the world would He give you your whole life story? We don't know what will happen tomorrow, and that is why we have faith. If we knew everything He had planned we would not have faith and we would rely on ourselves instead of God. God will light the path of His will, but it will most likely occur like a flashlight, a little bit at a time. Only what we need to see. "Your word is a lamp unto my feet." Right in front of us, not the landscape before us. Though every situation is different and God can do whatever He wishes, what I have seen is this: In order to get up and walk as we search for God's will we have to realize that He is all knowing and He will show us what we need to know, when we need to know it. So go, do what He has provided for you now, get up, trust Him, and walk one step at a time.

So as you can see, it is a journey we cannot do on our own.
We must have God by our side to light the way and to guide us.
Our job is to trust, learn, share, and walk.

May God bless and keep you.
I hope He speaks to you through these thoughts and revelations.

Let these words be Yours oh God, not mine.
Use them even in they're unperfected state.

God Bless,


When the thorn in my flesh
Causes blood to flow
It is hard to consider joy
When my weary body stumbles
Causes me to fall
It is hard to consider joy

But at the center of my heart
You're calling me back

Consider it joy
I lift up my face
In times of desolation
Sing songs of surrender
Get up, take yourself and walk

When the attack of words
Causes my heart to harden
It is hard to consider joy
When lies from false lovers
Causes me to fall
I cannot even see joy

But at the center of my heart
You're drawing me back

Consider it joy
I lift up my face
In times of desolation
Sing songs of surrender
Get up, take yourself and walk

-copyright Megs Colleen 2010-