Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Dear Readers,
   This is now my second week of being put on video production at LLBC and I am enjoying it immensely.   I pretty much work for David Jackson and do whatever he wants me to do.  My job usually consists of recording (audio) chapel every morning and evening, and this week I am also recording (video) the new dish crew orientation video.   On the side I am also helping the bible speaker and his wife (Mollie and Nathan Jones) record interviews and other things for chapel.  I have learned so much doing these things and more.   It is so much fun!  
    I would encourage you to go to the camp website and check out the changes we have made and the new things we have added.   You can download the chapel sessions now and then you can listen to them on your computer, ipod, or you can burn them onto a CD.  
    Over the past few weeks God has really encouraged me to work hard at each one of the jobs put in front of me.   In my position that can be (and most often is) very hard.  My job is new.  I am the only one who has ever had this actual job before, so I'm kind of a gopher as well as videographer.   I am starting to find my place among the staff, but at first it was really hard.  I'm used to  different schedule, I'm used to knowing exactly what I'm supposed to do and when.   But in this job things are totally different.  I have to ask questions about what to do.  I have to be flexible to record at different times, I have to be willing to stretch my mind to do things I've never done before.   And I have to be ok with the fact that no one knows what I do.   That last one is the hardest for me.   I love being praised and acknowledged.   In this job hardly any one sees me because I'm behind a computer most of the time.  The coolest part is, I'm ok with that now.  God pulled me beyond what I thought I could do and now I'm a better videographer because of it.  I'm a better staff member because of it.   I'm a better person because of it.  
   So now I want to encourage you to work hard at each and every job God puts in front of you.  Even if you don't like it at all.   He could make you into a better person because of it.  Strive to be all you can be, but without any praise.  Be a servant to all, but don't let anyone know.  Sing praise to God for all he has blessed you with, but don't let anyone else hear it.   
    A few things you could pray for if you have a chance:
-That I will pace myself and not work my legs to much
-That I will glorify God in all I do
-The heat (it has been super hot and just please pray that no one will get dehydrated)
-Chapel (that God will speak in mighty ways)

God Bless and I love you all!


Monday, June 1, 2009

His Eyes

Dear Readers, 

As I write this I am praying that God will give me the right words to express my point today.  The challenge I am going to share with you today is very dear to my heart and I fight to follow through with it every day, though much too often I fail.   Over the past few months I've been going through The Truth Project with my church small group and we went through the final tour last week.  On this tour I pulled some very important points, but the think that struck me the most was opening our eyes.  More like asking God to give us His eyes.  Let me give an example of why this needs to be carried out with a story.

  Melyssa stepped down the walk and onto the sidewalk giving herself pep talk all the way to the mall.  Once she arrived she searched for her friends. As soon as she spotted them she also saw her reflection in the windows lining American Eagle.  I look awful! She thought to herself and made the decision to just leave.  Before she could run the group of girls waved at her and she knew she lost her opportunity.  She pulled her shirt straight, sucked in her stomach and walked over the the group.  One of her friends squealed in her ear, "Did you see the sale at Target! We have to go over there!"  Lyssa tried to act excited, but she wasn't really looking forward to comparing waistline sizes.  

  They got to Target and she calmly followed the group wishing that she could be somewhere else.  They reached the jeans and the girls started picking out there sizes.  Zeros, and twos.  She just stood there trying to blend in and not have to grab her size, "Thats soooo cute!"  She said trying to distract them to another item.  "It's not really my thing...." Her friend Rachel said and then paused. She reached for a pair of jeans, "These would be so cute on you!  You have to try them on!"  Lyssa froze and searched for an exit.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw a bathroom not too far away. She ran for it but had to stop abruptly to dodge a red head.  She quickly got back on track and locked herself in a stall.  She looked down into the toilet and then shoved her finger down her throat.  Her throat started to burn as she barfed up her lunch.  As soon as her sickening deed was done she ran home and did it again.  Day after day she became skinnier and skinnier.  She soon reached a size two, but wanted a size zero.  Now she is wasting away, but she is stuck in a spiraled trap.

Give me your eyes for just one second

Give me your eyes so I can see

Everything that I keep missing

Give me your love for humanity

Give me your arms for the broken hearted

The ones that are far beyond my reach

Give me your heart for the once forgotten

Give me your eyes so I can see

~Chorus to "Give Me Your Eyes" by: Brandon Heath~

Can you see what I am pointing out here?  There is so much going on around us and we walk around not even seeing it!  Oh please ask God to give you His eyes and make the decision to do so.  Look around you for the unwanted for the left out, and for the needy.  I know that pretty much covers every one at some point or another, but God will present the opportunity for you to not only be His eyes, but His hands as well.  Just by being willing to listen to what they have to say, being willing to be a friend when there are no other friends around.  Please take time today to see through God's eyes.  Make that your prayer and strive to fulfill it.

  Below I've listed two awesome organizations that I have fallen in love with because of there amazing love for God and His children.  I just wanted to share them with you because they have given me inspiration to continue in this battle for Christ and I'm sure they will inspire you as well.

Mercy Ministries of America 

Compassion International 

Psalm 119:33  (The Message)

God, teach me lessons for living so I can stay the course. Give me insight so I can do what you tell me— my whole life one long, obedient response. Guide me down the road of your commandments; I love traveling this freeway! Give me a bent for your words of wisdom, and not for piling up loot. Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets, invigorate me on the pilgrim way. Affirm your promises to me— promises made to all who fear you. Deflect the harsh words of my critics— but what you say is always so good. See how hungry I am for your counsel; preserve my life through your righteous ways!
