Friday, July 9, 2010

The Blog: How it is

Hey All!
So I am SO sorry that I have not been able to blog! 
1- Not enough time
2- Internet access is scarce
3- When I have time I would rather sleep.  :)
  So due to all of these complications and hurdles I have decided I am only going to post on my photo blog unless I have inspiration and umph to blog.   On my photo blog I will post photos, verses, and a quick note/update.  I am going to update that at least two more times this summer along with a large “wrap-up” post on the summer in all of it’s awesomeness.
  Please understand that I will still try to post updates on my website ( and on my twitter (megscolleen) as often as possible, but it is very difficult to find the time to write a full out blog post with the crazy camp schedule. 
 On the other side of things I would also love to hear from you, and what God has been doing in your life!  It is always so encouraging to hear about what God has been doing and I am completely willing to pray for all of you in whatever area you need!  I LOVE receiving mail out here at camp so please feel free to contact me in whatever way suits you.  I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible, but please understand that I may not respond as soon as we would all like for me to.
My Summer Address is:
Megan Menke
N18250 Lake Lane
Pembine, WI

One last note that I would like to leave with you:
God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at the break of day.
Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; He lifts His voice, the earth melts.
The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46:5-7

I love you all and I thank you for your support!


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