Friday, March 20, 2009

Falsehood vs. Truth

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor for we are all members of one body.
Ephesians 4:25

Dear Readers,
Have you ever lied when someone asks you how you are?  You know what I mean.  The old, "Oh I'm doing great! Did you know..."  And we escape the question quickly and efficiently.  How often do we do that?  Do we just answer everyone the same way?  Do we come up with a plan in our heads and act on it?   Really, how much would it hurt to just answer truthfully?   The verse from Ephesians that I posted above clearly states that we are to, 'put off falsehood.'  Why?  Because we are all part of God's body and when one of us mourns all of us are to mourn.  When one of us rejoices all of us are to rejoice.  But how can we do this if we are not truthful?   I know that I am asking a lot of questions, but I know that for myself they are much to often questions that I do not want to answer.  Sooner or later I know that I will have to face these questions and I believe that the longer I hide behind my lies the harder it will be to escape them.   So I am choosing to step out and break this sinful habit.  That does not mean I will start to bawl when someone asks me how I am.  It also does not mean that I will shriek my head off in church if I find out I get to meet BarlowGirl. :) What it means is this: I will share and be truthful, but I will also be aware of my surroundings and choose when to share and when to listen.  I know that God will give me the right opportunities to cry and the right opportunities to laugh.  And so I ask you, please do not wait if you also struggle with this.  The best friendships are always built on honesty and God's love.  So let us work together as a body.  Let us mourn together and rejoice together. 
Love in Christ,


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