Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm Guessing

Dear Readers,
So you all know that I am on crutches because of surgery in January and I was hoping to be off of them by now.  Unfortunately that is not going to happen.  I'm going to have to be on crutches for another six weeks and I cannot use my left leg for much of anything at all due to a hairline fracture in my pelvis.  I would explain more, but it's somewhat hard to explain and I will spare you the boredom.   
  With this new development in my legs I am struggling to see what God is doing.  I thought He had given me enough patience by now, but their must be something else that He wants me to learn from all of this.   My mind keeps telling me to take over and make my life MINE, but when I can't even walk without sticks on each side of me God pretty much has me tied down and listening.  I am continually having to give myself over to Him and trust that He will heal me in His time, though I wish with all my heart it could be my time.  Everyday, every morning, I have to put myself at the feet of God all over again.  He has blessed me with some very cool God moments and taught me some pretty awesome stuff when I make that decision and give my future over to Him, but the human side of me always seems to wake up in the morning and override His plan.  How crazy is that!  No really how many times do we go through our day and we try to override the God of the universe!  When I think of things that way it makes me realize how much more I have to learn.  That is my prayer as I write this tonight.  That I would lay myself before God and let Him be who He is, my God and Father, and I'm guessing that His plan will be way better than mine.
   Over this summer I am challenging myself to post at least every other week with an update on what God has taught me that week.  Along with that I will post an update on how God has been working at camp as I will be out there serving most of the summer.
  I will be praying for all of you and I would greatly appreciate your prayers for my healing as well.  Stay strong for Christ and have fun guessing where your life will go, but let God take control.  ;)


And I don’t know how the story ends
But I'll be alright cause you own it
I don’t know where the highway bends
But I’m doing just fine
Cause your in control
Even when I don’t know
Where my life’s gonna go
You’re keeping me guessing
~chorus of 'keeping me guessing' by Francesca Battistelli

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