Sunday, May 10, 2009

Prayers, Songs and Sayings

Dear Readers,

For this post I just want to muse and share my thoughts with you.  I'm going to paste some of my poems, songs, and prayers for you to see and hopefully you will find inspiration and hope for your life.  There are so many things I could say, but I would rather share some of my musings with you because that is the easiest way for me to express myself.  I will be praying for you all.  Please enjoy and ponder these writings.  If you have any thoughts or challenges for me, or anything that you would like me to post on please let me know at

Your sister in Christ,



Reaching for the sky.

Watching the clouds go by.

I dream.

Of many days gone by,

Of many calenders thrown away.

Of many flowers hidden to remember days of completion and pain.

Reaching for the sky

Watching the clouds go by.

I remember.

The many days gone by,

The hours I wish I could take back.

The flowers hidden to remember days of completion and pain.

Reaching for the sky.

Watching the clouds go by.

I Reach.

I'm reaching for the days gone by,

I'm reaching for the times I wasted

I'm reaching for the flowers hidden to remember days of completion and pain.

I'm reaching for you.

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart

and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.


~Sweet Sixteen~

Verse 1

everyday I put up with my so called friends

I put up with myself, And somehow I still get played

They'll use me and I will accuse myself

Verse 2

every week I try to understand my so called friends

I listen to what they say, but somehow I still get hurt.

They'll neglect me and I will reject myself

Pre Chorus:

God I need your help to remember that this is not the end


Cuz Sweet sixteen is only the beginning

You have better things ahead then

All this pain, all these lies

I'm ready to hold on, to what you say

Cuz Sweet sixteen is only the beginning

The life You planned is more than 

The things they say, The people they play

Ephesians 4:25

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood

and speak truthfully to his neighbor, 

for we are all members of one body.


I bring this song to You

I sing this anthem from my heart

I know my voice is feeble and weak, but I am Yours.

The strength of who You are brings strength to my soul

The power of Your love brings power to my love

The awe of everything you are is why I live today

Though many voices sing around me

I raise this anthem from my heart

Though many more are stronger than I

I raise my hands to yours

The strength of who You are brings strength to my soul

The power of Your love brings power to my love

The awe of everything you are is why I live today

The passion that You radiate

The songs You brought to life

The life that You have given me

The dance You have arisen!

The strength of who You are brings strength to my soul

The power of Your love brings power to my love

The awe of everything you are is why I live today


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