Monday, August 3, 2009

-I'll Wait-

Dear Readers,


I know I have not written in a while because I have been very busy. But today I am going to make up for that with a very cool story and a very important challenge.

So for the past few weeks my cousin has been up from South Carolina and He has been on volunteer staff with my sister and I. It has been really cool to see him grow in Christ and meet new Godly christian guys. He is a christian which is awesome, but the growth I have seen is just super exciting.

This past week he has been chatting with one of my LDC leaders a lot and sharing all kinds of things with him. On Sunday we went to a picnic and he road up with my LDC leader and shared his life story with him. Once we arrived he came up to me and showed me something awesome. He stretched out his hand and on his hand was a brand new purity ring!

How cool is that! A new commitment to love his wife from now onward. An awesome commitment to live a life honoring to God with his body and actions. That is such a huge decision and that takes guts to step out and make that choice. I'm super proud of him!

Last week at camp one of our speakers talked about how love is not a toy. Don't mess with it. When you play around with love someone gets hurt. Like the illustration in the movie, "fireproof" if you super glue a salt shaker and a pepper shaker together and pull them apart one of them if not both of them are going to brake.

My challenge for all of you is to make the choice to step out and fight for what is right. My cousin is going to have a hard time in the future with all the peer pressure in this world, but he has chosen to go ahead and take that step anyway. Take that step and what ever God has chosen for you to abstain from or go to, do it. Love God with your life just as my cousin has chosen to love God and his future wife with this commitment.

Don't be scared. Set an example. Say I'll wait.

Acts 18:9

"Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you...

1 Timothy 4:12

Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

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