Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Dead Readers,

Let me start out by reminding you of the movie Finding Neverland (if you have not seen it I recommend it). The movie is about the writer of Peter Pan, and how he got the inspiration for writing the play, 'peter pan.' I am going to look at one conversation between Peter and Mr. Barrie (the writer).

Towards the beginning of the movie the young boy Peter refuses to use his imagination, because he has held his emotions in from the death of his father. Even so Mr. Barrie (the writer of Peter Pan) meets Peter and his family in the park and uses his own imagination to dance with "the bear" (being his dog), and acting as though they are at a circus.

Here is the conversation that goes on between the two:

Peter: This is absurd. It's just a dog.

Sylvia (Mother): Come on, darling.

Mr. Barrie:

"Just a dog"? "Just"?"

Porthos, don't listen to him.

Porthos dreams of being a bear,

and you want to dash those dreams

by saying he's "just a dog"?

What a horrible, candle-snuffing word.

That's like saying, "He can't climb

that mountain, he's just a man."

Or, "That's not a diamond, it's just a rock."


I wanted to focus on this conversation because of the truth it holds. The world constantly tells us that we can't do things, and the people around us often follow suite. As Christians we need to get past those words and trust God. He can do amazing things with each and every life, we just have to trust His will.

When we offer God our lives and give Him full control our lives, everything instantly becomes an adventure. Now you probably know this, but I will remind you that adventures are hard, and often scary. They hold heartache and pain, but in the end they turn out right. God's plan is the same. You will go through trials and it will be hard, but in the end God will be waiting to say well done.

Now I've gotten a bit off track, so I would like to veer back to the idea of saying, "just."

If I dream of doing something wonderful, and someone tells me, "Oh you're just a homeschooler" or "You're just a small town girl" It will deeply wound my dreams.

It hurts our dreams when others put us down, and that is just a fact. So if it hurts us, do think it will hurt others when we dash they're dreams? Of course!

Hello people, we are CHRISTIANS! We need to build others up. We need to encourage they're dreams. We need to Believe in the impossible. Would Jesus tell someone that they're goals are impossible? Would He say, "You'll never do that. You're just a kid."? On the contrary! He would tell them nothing is impossible with Christ.

Nothing is impossible with the strength and power of God.

So my challenge for you is to please go out and encourage the dreams of others. We have so many people willing to kill dreamers, we desperately need more people to encourage dreamers.

Love like the Lover of all.

Lift up the dreamers, and those that are tired of dreaming.

Don't say, "just."

God bless, and keep dreaming,


I am a dreamer

Take me higher

Open the sky

And start a fire

I believe

Even if it's just a dream

-Bethany Dillon-

(thoughts and quotes taken from the movie "Finding Neverland" are under copyright of the creators of the movie)

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