Monday, November 16, 2009

Song Of My Father

Dear Readers,
A few weeks ago I was at a friend's house and while sitting on her couch I picked up a book that I recognized and read it. It was the book, "With you all the way" by Max Lucado. The book is timeless and tells a great story. Let me paint the scene for you.

A beautiful young princess.
Many handsome suitors.
A King.
A Prince.

A classic fairy tale is coming into view right? But the difference lies in the wisdom of the story.

The King told the suiters that the first one to make it through, "The way of Hemlock" could have the beautiful maidens hand in marriage. The only way for them to find their way through was by following the sound of the Kings' flute. Everyday the King played the same tune at the same time for each of the suitors to hear. Only one person in the whole land could play the tune the same way the King did and that was the prince.
After giving these instructions each suitor was given the gift of choosing one person to join them on their journey. The suitors had an idea of the danger they may face and chose their partners carefully.
Once on the journey the suitors realized how hard the journey really was, for the forest of Hemlock was the home of the dreaded "Hopenots." The Hopenots were not strong, but very clever and everyday when the King would play his song the Hopenots would mimic the sound of the flute and create music coming from every direction. The suitors became very confused and all, but one lost the sound of the Kings flute.
When that one suitor arrived at the castle and appeared before the King, everyone asked how he had made it. At that point the lone suitor revealed his partner, the prince.
Everyday the prince would play the song for the suitor and the suitor learned the song inside and out. Because he learned the song so well, even in all the chaos of music, he could here the Kings song and followed it until he reached his destination.

How often do we feel that God has left us alone and we do not have his companionship any longer? How often do we feel lost and abandoned in the music of the world?
The fact is most of the time we choose the wrong partners to help us through our forests of "Hemlock." We get lost in the sounds of the world, we 'hope not' because we cannot hear the song of our Father.
If we would only spend time with our Father.
If we took the time to listen to His song.
If we choose the right partner (being Jesus Christ).
If we would study His letter to us.
That is when we would become like the successful suitor.
Then we could navigate through the mimicking songs and the false voices that the world throws at us.

So will we?

One of my favorite shows has an episode that also reflects my point in this post.
It is about this teenage girl that wants to play music, become a musician and "do the music thing." Her musical talent came from her father, yet he is completely and totally against her band and what she is doing with her life. The thing is though, whether or not the father realizes it, he was the one who taught her music.
She, in a way, was following his song. Because she spent time with her father when she was young, she grew up with part of him in her.
At the end of the show, the father and daughter reunite and sing the lullaby he taught her as a child. Unfortunately it is the last time she will ever sing with her voice because she has throat cancer.

My point with this story is when we spend time with our Heavenly Father we naturally 'grow up' with a part of Him in us. When we study His words to us, we can follow His plan for us, His song. He will sing a lullaby to us and remind us of His love, but if we do not spend time with Him we will never hear it.

Spend time with the creator of the universe today. Listen for His love song.
He is with you all the way.

My prayers are with you,


"With You All The Way" is written by max lucado and any and all comments from this book are under copyright
"Song For My Father" is episode #913 of Touched By An Angel and any and all comments are under copyright

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